Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Poland as an institutional legal and procedural substitute for the State Treasury – Joanna Mucha Kujawa

The Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences publishing house has published a long-awaited monograph from the series ‘Legal Studies: A monograph series by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ – a publication by Joanna Mucha-Kujawa, Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Poland as an institutional legal and procedural substitute for the State Treasury.

From the publisher’s review:

‘In the Polish literature so far there has been no such comprehensive study that is not only well structured, but also valuable in terms of theory. It should be noted that this problem is not straightforward, because it concerns many aspects of the functioning of the institution of State Treasury substitution. It is particularly important, moreover, that a book which contains dogmatic and legal/comparative considerations is now published on the market. The subject matter of the book is current and informative. The monograph not only outlines existing knowledge, but also sets directions for its further development.’

Prof. Paweł Podrecki, PhD, ILS PAS

‘The monograph is the first book of this type on our publishing market. It thus fills an existing gap in the literature and significantly contributes to the development of our knowledge on the PG RP (formerly the State Treasury National Prosecutor). The usefulness of this publication and the topicality of the subject matter is obvious. It should be expected that the book will be of interest both to legal theoreticians and practitioners of civil litigation law. It may be an inspiration for others researching the problems of civil procedure.’

Prof. Tadeusz Wiśniewski

Autor: Joanna Mucha-Kujawa
Recenzje: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Wiśniewski, dr hab. Paweł Podrecki, prof. INP PAN
Seria wydawnicza: Rozprawy Prawnicze. Seria monograficzna INP PAN
ISBN: 978-83-66300-13-2 (książka)
e-ISBN: 978-83-66300-14-9 (ebook)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3593811
Ilość stron: 290

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Cena: 148 zł brutto

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