Call for post-doctoral applications: Citizen empowerment through online terms of service review

General information

The Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) opens a call for a post-doctoral researcher in the project Citizen empowerment through online terms of service review: an automated transparency assessment by explainable AI. The project is financed by the Polish National Science Centre (OPUS grant 2019/35/B/HS5/04444) and led by Professor Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz as the Principal Investigator.

The project, carried out under a grant of the Polish National Science Centre (2019/35/B/HS5/04444) in the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The research follows on the project Machine Learning Powered Analysis of Consumer Contracts and Privacy Policies (Claudette), carried out at the European University Institute. It focuses on creating a machine-learning tool able to evaluate the degree of transparency of contract clauses in consumer agreements. The project encompasses an international team of legal scholars, computer scientists and linguists. For further information on the Project see the attached summary.

The successful candidate is expected to be interested in carrying out research and in coordinating work of other researchers within the framework of the project. The successful candidate will be offered an employment agreement at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Tasks in the project can be carried out remotely and there is no residence requirement in Warsaw. The selected candidate will cooperate closely with the Project team at the Polish Academy of Sciences, European University Institute and University of Bologna.

Employment conditions

Employment will be subjected to the provisions of the Labor Code of Poland (Act of 26 June 1974 Labor Code, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2020, item 1320). Form of employment: full-time employment contract.

Remuneration: 10000 PLN (gross, including all accompanying employer’s burdens) per month. The take-home pay is about 1340 EUR per month.

Requirements for a candidate:

  • Ph.D. in law
  • academic output and research experience regarding consumer law and/or intersections of law and new technology
  • fluency in English

The preference in the selection process will be given to candidates who have evidenced research experience over links between digital market and consumer protection in the European Union law.

Candidates are requested to submit the following documents:

  • motivation letter
  • copy of the Ph.D. diploma
  • curriculum vitae with a full list of publications
  • declaration that in the case of signing an employment agreement with the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences the candidate will not be employed upon an employment agreement neither in Poland nor abroad
  • signed consent for processing personal data

Sciences in hard copies or via email by 31 August 2021, 23:59 CET to: . The documents may be submitted as scanned copies.

After first round of reviews of applications, successful candidates will be invited for an interview.

Date of employment: not later than 1 October 2021.