Criminology of Mobility: Migration, borders and (in)security

The conference ‘Criminology of Mobility: Migration, borders and (in)security,’ co-organized by the Department of Criminology ILS PAS to be held on May 9-10, 2024, in Warsaw

The Department of Criminology of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Working Group ‘Immigration, Crime and Citizenship’ of the European Society of Criminology, sincerilly invites to participate in the international conference entitled “Criminology of Mobility: Migration, borders and (in)security”. The conference will take place on May 9-10, 2024, in Warsaw, at the seat of the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Nowy Świat St. No 72).

The invitation is directed to individuals representing various academic disciplines, interested in topics at the intersection of criminology, migration studies, mobility control, criminalisation of migration, and human rights protection.

The event will be held in an onsite format only. Individuals interested in attending the conference are invited to submit presentation proposals and register for participation using the provided form. Submissions will be accepted until March 1, 2024. Details regarding the event, its objective and the thematic scope of the conference are provided below.