The Polish dispute on an adequate approach towards the Bialowieża Forest has been significantly internationalised, primarily by UNESCO and the European Union. The judgment of the CJEU has not settled the substance of the dispute, although it points to a violation of EU legal standards. The authors of The Disputed Bialowieża Forest: Legal Remedies for the Protection of Cross-border Properties address the dispute in a constructive and interdisciplinary manner, rather than merely expressing concern towards in situ conservation, and derive universal legal remedies from it. They conclude that in the case of unique invaluable goods, adequate individual solutions should be applied in the form of a localised agreement, open to many entities (interested states, international organisations and even socially responsible private corporations), on the condition that organisational and financial co-responsibility are accepted.
Publisher: Brill, Nijhof
Series: Queen Mary Studies in International Law (vol. 48)
Authors: Maciej Perkowski, Wojciech Zoń, Przemysław Saganek
Year: 2022
ISBN: 978-90-04-51513-0
e-ISBN: 978-90-04-51514-7
Pages: 254