Project leader: Prof. Irena Rzeplińska
Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development, carried out from 2013 to 2016.
General information
The project involved research on crime of foreigners in Poland, which led to the creation of an IT system for the Border Guard that would allow, for example, for strategic analysis of potential threats resulting from migration.
The stages of the research included i.e. collecting statistical data on foreigners’ crime from various sources (statistical data of the Police for the period from 2004 to 2012, statistical data of the Ministry of Justice, and data from the National Court Register at the level of district courts for the period from 2008 to 2012), carrying out file research on cross-border crime, organised crime, trafficking in human beings and the most serious crimes (crimes against life and health, rape, domestic violence, drug-related crimes, and economic crimes). Moreover, cases pending in Provincial Offices concerning legalisation of stay through marriage with a Polish citizen will be analysed. The result of the research project will be a modular multi-purpose Foreigner Identification System (SIC) together with a risk analysis module for victims of human trafficking crime.
Project objectives
The aim of the project is to develop a network-centric intelligent system to identify signs of crime and factors of victimisation in foreign communities, based on the knowledge on phenomena in the area of migrants and human trafficking, with a simultaneous training component for the staff of operational, investigative, migration and border departments.
During the project:
- an intelligent multi-purpose Alien Identification System with a risk analysis module for victims of human trafficking crime was developed
- empirical material was collected and the image of foreigners’ delinquency in Poland was described
- empirical material was collected and a system for preventing and combating foreigners’ crime was described
- empirical material was collected and the picture of border crime and organised crime involving foreigners in Poland was described
- empirical material was collected and the information flow was described, as well as the principles and guidelines for collecting the necessary information on the crime of trafficking in human beings / in the criminological and victimological field
- a proposal for conditions and mechanisms necessary to increase the effectiveness of services in the implementation of statutory tasks within the area of trafficking in human beings was developed
- the method for collecting and processing data in accordance with applicable regulations and for improving the work of Border Guard officers was defined
- legislative changes to improve the process of collecting and processing data on foreigners were analysed and proposed
- the training needs of the Border Guard in the area of foreigner crime and migration were analysed
- research material was acquired and developed on the basis of a training plan and training materials for the Border Guard staff
- a system demonstration was carried out at a Border Guard post
Importance of research for the socio-economic sector
The outcome of the project was the development of a demonstrator of an intelligent Foreigner Identification System equipped with a risk analysis module for victims of human trafficking, compatible with a map of foreigners and a foreigner identification system at a Border Guard post.
Proposals were developed for changes in regulations and work organisation necessary for effective collection and processing of information that contributes to improving the effectiveness of officers’ actions.
On the basis of the materials and systems developed in the project, the project contractor should develop training plans and training materials for the staff of the operational and investigative division, the foreigners division and the border division of the Border Guard. The project also resulted in a number of publications, i.e. materials (in the form of a handbook) depicting the landscape of foreigners’ crime in Poland, the system for preventing and combating foreigners’ crime in Poland, as well as the flow of information and the principles and guidelines for collecting the necessary information on safe returns of foreigners who are victims of trafficking in human beings. The team has developed a catalogue of best practices in the aforementioned areas.
The project was run by:
Head: Prof. Irena Rzeplińska
Consortium: Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (leader), University of Białystok and Medcore Sp. z o.o.
- Zdanowicz, Zasady legalizacji pobytu cudzoziemców i struktura cudzoziemców w Polsce, „Archiwum kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 441-458, DOI
- I. Rzeplińska, Zapobieganie przestępczości cudzoziemców w Polsce, „Archiwum kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 5-13, DOI
- A. Gutkowska, Konformizm i nonkonformizm w społeczeństwie rzeczywiście wielokulturowym – zagadnienia teoretyczne i empiryczne, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 346 – 424, DOI
- D. Woźniakowska-Fajst, Cudzoziemcy jako sprawcy znęcania się i zgwałcenia w kontekście przemocy „honorowej”, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 321 – 345, DOI
- W. Klaus, Zawieranie małżeństw polsko-cudzoziemskich w celu obejścia przepisów legalizacyjnych, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016 , T. XXXVIII, s. 269 – 319, DOI
- M. Szulecka, Przejawy nielegalnej migracji w Polsce, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 191-268, DOI
- I. Rzeplińska, Cudzoziemcy – sprawcy przestępstwa przekupstwa na terenie Polski, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T.XXXVIII, s. 175 – 189, DOI
- K. Laskowska, Stan rozpoznania zorganizowanych grup przestępczych z udziałem cudzoziemców w Polsce, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016 , T. XXXVIII, s. 161 – 173, DOI
- E. Ludwig, Risk Assessment and the Safe Return and Reintegration of Trafficked Persons, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 141 – 160, DOI
- B. Namysłowska-Gabrysiak, Analiza uwarunkowań i mechanizmów niezbędnych do zwiększenia skuteczności działań służb w realizacji zadań ustawowych w obszarze handlu ludźmi, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 125 – 139, DOI
- K. Laskowska, M. Perkowska, Dobre praktyki Francji i Rosji w zakresie zwalczania przestępczości granicznej oraz zorganizowanej z udziałem cudzoziemców, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 113 – 124, DOI
- M. Perkowska, Analiza systemu zapobiegania i zwalczania przestępczości granicznej, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 93 – 111, DOI
- P. Wiktorska, M. Rychlik, Polityka karna wobec cudzoziemców przebywających w Polsce, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 61 – 91, DOI
- S. Wojciechowski, Zagrożenie terroryzmem w XXI wieku – analiza wybranych determinantów, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T. XXXVIII, s. 29 – 59, DOI
- K. Buczkowski, Koncepcja kryminalizacji migracji a przepisy ustawy o działaniach antyterrorystycznych, „Archiwum Kryminologii” 2016, T.XXXVIII, s. 15 – 27, DOI