Department of Agricultural and Food Law

Main areas of research:

I. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – Legal issues

  • agricultural provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
  • relationship between the internal market and the CAP
  • competition rules in agriculture
  • state aid to the agricultural sector
  • direct payments
  • legal aspects of the functioning of the common organisation of agricultural markets
  • CAP structural policy

II. Food law

  • general principles of food law
  • quantitative restrictions and measures with equivalent effect on trade in agricultural products
  • safeguard clauses in food law
  • novel foods
  • nutritional supplements
  • food labelling

III. International agricultural law

  • international trade in agricultural products
  • agriculture in the WTO negotiating area
  • the human right to food
  • food aid and poverty in international law

IV. Theory of agricultural law

  • unique features of agrarian law: theoretical and legal aspects
  • methods of interpretation of agricultural law
  • the legislative concept of an agricultural holding
  • trading in agricultural real estate

Current research projects:
  • WTO regulations on international trade in agricultural products and their impact on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy (2014–2016, leader: P. Popardowski, PhD, a research project for young scientists funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education);
  • Common Agricultural Policy and national aid for agriculture (2012–2014), leader P. Popardowski, PhD, a research project for young scientists funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).
  • A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski. [in:] H.J. Blanke, S. Mangiameli (eds.) Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: A Commentary, Volume I: Preamble, Articles 1-89, Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London 2020, Springer International Publishing [commentary to Articles 38-44 TFEU];
  • P. Popardowski, Reguły konkurencji w rolnictwie w prawodawstwie Unii Europejskiej [The rules of competition in agriculture in the legislation of the European Union], Warsaw 2019, published by INP PAN;
  • A. Jurcewicz, Traktatowe podstawy unijnego prawa rolnego w świetle orzecznictwa. Zagadnienia wybrane [The Treaty Foundations of EU Agricultural Law in Jurisprudence: Selected Issues], Warsaw 2012, Wolters Kluwer Polska;
  • A. Jurcewicz (ed.), Prawo i polityka rolna Unii Europejskiej [European Union agricultural law and policy], Warszawa 2010, published by Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo;
  • A. Jurcewicz, B. Włodarczyk, Wspólna Polityka Rolna Unii Europejskiej [Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union], [in:] P. Czechowski (ed.), Prawo Rolne [Agricultural Law], Warsaw 2019;
  • P. Popardowski, [in:] K. Osajda (ed.), Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. [Civil Code: Commentary]. Volume I. General part. Introductory provisions of the Civil Code. Notary Law (Articles 79-95 and 96-99), Warsaw 2017, published by C.H. BECK [commentary to Articles VI, IX, X, XVI, XXI-XXIII, XXVIII, LV-LXIII, LXV PWKC];
  • A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski, Przemiany własności w rolnictwie – kontekst systemowy z perspektywy prawa krajowego i unijnego [Property transformations in agriculture: systemic context from the perspective of national and EU law], Studia Prawnicze 2014, no. 1;
  • A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski, Kształtowanie struktury agrarnej w Polsce – kilka refleksji na tle ustawy z 14 kwietnia 2016 r. o wstrzymaniu sprzedaży nieruchomości Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa [Shaping the agrarian structure in Poland: Some reflections in view of the Act of 14 April 2016 on the suspension of the sale of real estate of the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury], Studia Prawnicze 2016, no. 4.

Institute of Law Studies PAS
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72 (Pałac Staszica)
00-330 Warszawa
room 222
tel.: 22 657-27-81
Office hours: Wednesdays from 12.00-14.00