Main areas of research:
I. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – Legal issues
- agricultural provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
- relationship between the internal market and the CAP
- competition rules in agriculture
- state aid to the agricultural sector
- direct payments
- legal aspects of the functioning of the common organisation of agricultural markets
- CAP structural policy
II. Food law
- general principles of food law
- quantitative restrictions and measures with equivalent effect on trade in agricultural products
- safeguard clauses in food law
- novel foods
- nutritional supplements
- food labelling
III. International agricultural law
- international trade in agricultural products
- agriculture in the WTO negotiating area
- the human right to food
- food aid and poverty in international law
IV. Theory of agricultural law
- unique features of agrarian law: theoretical and legal aspects
- methods of interpretation of agricultural law
- the legislative concept of an agricultural holding
- trading in agricultural real estate
Current research projects:
- WTO regulations on international trade in agricultural products and their impact on the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy (2014–2016, leader: P. Popardowski, PhD, a research project for young scientists funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education);
- Common Agricultural Policy and national aid for agriculture (2012–2014), leader P. Popardowski, PhD, a research project for young scientists funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).
- A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski. [in:] H.J. Blanke, S. Mangiameli (eds.) Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: A Commentary, Volume I: Preamble, Articles 1-89, Heidelberg – New York – Dordrecht – London 2020, Springer International Publishing [commentary to Articles 38-44 TFEU];
- P. Popardowski, Reguły konkurencji w rolnictwie w prawodawstwie Unii Europejskiej [The rules of competition in agriculture in the legislation of the European Union], Warsaw 2019, published by INP PAN;
- A. Jurcewicz, Traktatowe podstawy unijnego prawa rolnego w świetle orzecznictwa. Zagadnienia wybrane [The Treaty Foundations of EU Agricultural Law in Jurisprudence: Selected Issues], Warsaw 2012, Wolters Kluwer Polska;
- A. Jurcewicz (ed.), Prawo i polityka rolna Unii Europejskiej [European Union agricultural law and policy], Warszawa 2010, published by Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo;
- A. Jurcewicz, B. Włodarczyk, Wspólna Polityka Rolna Unii Europejskiej [Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union], [in:] P. Czechowski (ed.), Prawo Rolne [Agricultural Law], Warsaw 2019;
- P. Popardowski, [in:] K. Osajda (ed.), Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. [Civil Code: Commentary]. Volume I. General part. Introductory provisions of the Civil Code. Notary Law (Articles 79-95 and 96-99), Warsaw 2017, published by C.H. BECK [commentary to Articles VI, IX, X, XVI, XXI-XXIII, XXVIII, LV-LXIII, LXV PWKC];
- A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski, Przemiany własności w rolnictwie – kontekst systemowy z perspektywy prawa krajowego i unijnego [Property transformations in agriculture: systemic context from the perspective of national and EU law], Studia Prawnicze 2014, no. 1;
- A. Jurcewicz, P. Popardowski, Kształtowanie struktury agrarnej w Polsce – kilka refleksji na tle ustawy z 14 kwietnia 2016 r. o wstrzymaniu sprzedaży nieruchomości Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa [Shaping the agrarian structure in Poland: Some reflections in view of the Act of 14 April 2016 on the suspension of the sale of real estate of the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury], Studia Prawnicze 2016, no. 4.
prof. dr hab. Alina Jurcewicz
dr Paweł Popardowski
mgr Beata Włodarczyk
Institute of Law Studies PAS
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72 (Pałac Staszica)
00-330 Warszawa
room 222
tel.: 22 657-27-81
Office hours: Wednesdays from 12.00-14.00