The Scientific Society of Penal Law was founded in 1981 by representatives of the academic community that deal with the issues of the penal sciences. Currently, it has over 160 members, including scholars and practitioners from all across Poland.
The aim of the Society is to support the development of the penal sciences (criminal law, criminology, penal procedures, penitentiary sciences and other sciences dealing with the problems of crime and social pathology) as well as to popularise them, to contribute to the improvement of the legal system and to represent the interests of the Society’s members in their academic and professional work.
The Society fulfils its objectives by:
- initiating, organising and conducting scientific research;
- organising lectures, discussion meetings, conferences and academic and popular science seminars
- promoting the exchange of ideas and organising the exchange of research within the penal law community and between it and the community of other branches of science, as well as promoting the practice of civil society;
- collaborating with the Polish Academy of Sciences, universities and other organisations, associations and research institutions in Poland and abroad;
- issuing opinions on the preparation of normative legal acts; and
- pursuing other forms of activity in order to achieve the Society’s statutory objectives.
Between 1992 and 2005, the Society was the publisher of the academic journal Przegląd Prawa Karnego [Review of Penal Law] (editor-in-chief: Janina Wojciechowska; chair of the Editorial Board: Jolanta Jakubowska-Hara).
The authorities of the Society elected at the General Meeting on 4 July 2014 decided to make efforts to obtain funds for reactivating the journal.
(wybrane na Walnym Zgromadzeniu Towarzystwa w dn. 4 lipca 2014 r.):
Zarząd Główny
dr hab. Jolanta Jakubowska-Hara, prof. INP PAN – Prezes
dr hab. Jerzy Lachowski, prof. UMK – Wiceprezes
prof. dr hab. Mirosława Melezini – Wiceprezes
Członkowie Zarządu Głównego
prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Bojarski
prof. dr hab. Violetta Konarska-Wrzosek
prof. dr hab. Stefan Lelental
prof. dr hab. Grażyna Szczygieł
prof. dr hab. Teodor Szymanowski
prof. dr hab. Celina Nowak
dr Joanna Mierzwińska-Lorencka – sekretarz
Komisja Rewizyjna
prof. dr hab. Stanisław Hoc
dr hab. Rafał Kubiak, prof. UŁ
dr Piotr Kładoczny
Towarzystwo Naukowe Prawa Karnego
ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa
tel.: (0-22) 826-65-07