Ponadnarodowe sieci organów administracji publicznej oraz ich wpływ na krajowy porządek prawny [Supranational networks of public administration bodies and their impact on the national legal order]

The Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences has published the first monograph in the series ‘Legal Studies: A monograph series by the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ – a work by Mateusz Błachucki entitled Ponadnarodowe sieci organów administracji publicznej oraz ich wpływ na krajowy porządek prawny [Supranational networks of public administration bodies and their impact on the national legal order].

From the editorial reviews:

‘The interdisciplinary work written by Mateusz Błachucki is a novelty in the Polish legal doctrine. So far, no comprehensive work on international or supranational cooperation of administrative bodies has been published in Poland. From this perspective, both the idea of the work and its implementation deserve appreciation. The amount of foreign literature used by the author is estimable; therefore, Mateusz Błachucki’s book advances and enriches Polish legal science.’

Dr hab. Adam Habuda, Prof. of ILS PAS

‘The book … is a unique offering on the publishing market. The work is of high methodological and substantive quality and is coherent and innovative. It reveals an unusually ambitious research intention of the author and a carefully considered conception of the analysis of a complex research problem.’

Dr Bartosz Majchrzak, Prof. of UKSW

‘The monograph in question is the result of multifaceted research, which investigates transnational networks from the point of view of the Polish legal system. The author’s comments on the influence of networks on substantive law are interesting and original. The monograph fills an important gap in Polish administrative law literature.’

Rafał Stankiewicz, PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw

Author: dr Mateusz Błachucki
Reviewers: dr hab. Adam Habuda, prof. INP PAN, dr hab. Bartosz Majchrzak, prof. UKSW, dr hab. Rafał Stankiewicz
Serie: Rozprawy Prawnicze. Seria monograficzna INP PAN
ISBN: 978-83-950165-4-7 (książka)
e-ISBN: 978-83-950165-5-4 (ebook)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1494958
Pages: 688

View other books published by Dr. hab. Mateusz Błachucki, available from the INP PAN Publishing House:

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