Center for Research on Judicial Application of EU Law (CEREJA-EU)

The subject of research carried out by the Centre is the broadly defined issue of the application of European Union law in the Polish legal system, including the mechanisms which have been created and developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union to ensure the effectiveness of EU law, and their application in national court proceedings. Horizontal, complementary research on specific areas of Polish and EU substantive law is conducted from the theoretical, dogmatic and functional perspective.

The basic tasks of the Centre include:

  • research on judicial mechanisms for ensuring the efficacy of European Union law in the Polish legal order (such as the principle of primacy, the principle of direct effectiveness, the principle of pro-European Union interpretation, the principle of procedural autonomy, and the principle of effective judicial protection), by analysing the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and formulating proposals relevant for domestic practice, in particular the protection of Union rights in domestic proceedings, as well as by analysing the case-law of Polish courts and courts of other EU Member States from a legal and comparative perspective;
  • preparing analyses and legal assessments within judicial application of European Union law (own and commissioned);
  • cooperating with domestic and foreign research centres and the community of practitioners involved in the judicial application of EU law in the Polish legal order, in particular judges, attorneys, and legal advisors;
  • popularising initiatives, such as: seminars, conferences, workshops on selected aspects of judicial application of EU law;
  • obtaining grants for research and popularising activities in the field of judicial application of EU law.

Collective publications of the research team of the Department of European Law:

  • Stosowanie prawa Unii Europejskiej przez sądy [The Application of European Union Law by Courts], A. Wróbel (ed.), Vol. II – Zasady – orzecznictwo – piśmiennictwo [Principles – Rulings – Literature], edited by M. Szwarc-Kuczer, K. Kowalik-Bańczyk, Warsaw 2007, pp. 1049;
  • Współpraca sądowa w sprawach cywilnych i karnych [Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Matters], A. Wróbel, W. Czapliński (ed.), Warsaw 2007, pp. 490 (the publication is the result of a research project carried out at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences from 2005 to 2006);
  • Karta Praw Podstawowych w europejskim i krajowym porządku prawnym [Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European and National Legal Order], A. Wróbel (ed.), Warsaw 2009, pp. 396 (the publication is the result of a research project carried out at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2009);
  • Stosowanie prawa Unii Europejskiej przez sądy [The Application of European Union Law by Courts], Vol. I, 2nd edition, A. Wróbel (ed.) Warsaw 2010, pp. 1060;
  • Zapewnienie efektywności orzeczeń sądów międzynarodowych w polskim porządku prawnym [Ensuring the Effectiveness of Judgments of International Courts in the Polish Legal Order], A. Wróbel (ed.), Warsaw 2011, pp. 976 (the publication resulted from a research project carried out at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences from 2008 to 2010);
  • Karta Praw Podstawowych. Komentarz [Charter of Fundamental Rights: Commentary], A. Wróbel (ed.), Warsaw 2013, pp. 1443;
  • Skutki braku notyfikacji przepisów technicznych ustawy o grach hazardowych dla wymiaru sprawiedliwości Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej [The effects of non-notification of technical provisions of the Act on gambling on the administration of justice of the Republic of Poland], M. Taborowski (ed.), Warsaw 2017.

Contribution to the work on the System of European Union Law, edited by Prof. A. Wróbel (Beck Publishing House):

  • A. Sołtys, (volume III, Interpretation of EU Law, 2018, volume I, Foundations and Sources of European Union Law, 2020)
  • M. Szwarc (volume VII, Internal Market Law, 2020, volume I, Foundations and Sources of European Union Law, 2020)
  • D. Miąsik (Principles of EU law, forthcoming)

dr hab. Monika Szwarc, prof. INP PAN

dr Monika Domańska
dr hab. Dawid Miąsik, prof. INP PAN
dr Agnieszka Sołtys

Cooperating persons:
Przemysław Florjanowicz-Błachut, Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny
dr Agnieszka Knade-Plaskacz, sędzia SR w Chełmnie
dr Aleksandra Sołtysińska, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Europejskiego UJ, sędzia SO w Krakowie
dr Agnieszka Wilk-Ilewicz, radca prawny, wieloletni pracownik Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego

Institute of Law Studies PAS
ul. Nowy Świat 72 (Pałac Staszica)
00-330 Warszawa