Department of European Law

Research areas, collective publications of the Department’s employees

The Department of European Law was established in March 2010 (following the division of the previous Department of International Law and European Union). The first head of the Department was Prof. Andrzej Wróbel, PhD. Since 2018, the Chair of the European Law Unit of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been Monika Szwarc, PhD, Professor INP PAN.

The research conducted by the staff of the European Law Unit of the Institute of Legal Sciences deals with the application and enforcement of European Union law in the domestic law system. In particular, the issues of judicial application of EU law and protection of human and fundamental rights are analysed, and these issues are addressed both from a general and theoretical viewpoint, as well as with reference to selected areas of EU law, such as judicial cooperation in criminal matters, asylum and immigration law, and anti-discrimination law. An important guiding theme of this research is to identify constitutional and axiological challenges to the unity of the European Union and to attempt to respond to those challenges. One of the important areas of research carried out in the Department of European Law are also the issues of European constitutionalism, in particular national and constitutional identity of the EU member state and pluralistic concepts of the relation between EU and national law. The research is conducted as part of research grants and in cooperation with reputable domestic and foreign academic centres. The findings are published in peer-reviewed national and international journals and monographs.

Joint publications of the research team of the Department of European Law:

  • Stosowanie prawa Unii Europejskiej przez sąd [The Application of European Union Law by Courts], A. Wróbel (ed.), Vol. II – Zasady – orzecznictwo – piśmiennictwo [Principles – Rulings – Literature], edited by M. Szwarc-Kuczer, K. Kowalik-Bańczyk, Warsaw 2007, pp. 1049;
  • Współpraca sądowa w sprawach cywilnych i karnych [Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Matters], A. Wróbel, W. Czapliński (eds.), Warsaw 2007, pp. 490 (the publication is the result of a research project carried out at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences from 2005 to 2006);
  • Karta Praw Podstawowych w europejskim i krajowym porządku prawnym [Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European and Polish Law], A. Wróbel (ed.), Warsaw 2009, pp. 396 (the publication is the result of a research project carried out at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2009);
  • Stosowanie prawa Unii Europejskiej przez sądy [The application of European Union law by courts], Vol. I, 2nd edition, A. Wróbel (ed.) Warsaw 2010, pp. 1060;
  • Zapewnienie efektywności orzeczeń sądów międzynarodowych w polskim porządku prawnym [Ensuring the Effectiveness of Judgments of International Courts in the Polish Legal Order], A. Wróbel (ed.), Warsaw 2011, pp. 976 (publication resulting from a research project carried out at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences from 2008 to 2010);
  • Karta Praw Podstawowych. Komentarz [Charter of Fundamental Rights: Commentary], A. Wróbel (ed.), 1st ed., Warsaw 2013, pp. 1443; 2nd ed., Warsaw 2020, pp. 1374;
  • Skutki braku notyfikacji przepisów technicznych ustawy o grach hazardowych dla wymiaru sprawiedliwości Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej [Effects of non-notification of procedural provisions of the Act on gambling on the judiciary of the Republic of Poland], M. Taborowski (ed.), Warsaw 2017;
  • Krajowe regulacje hazardu w świetle prawa Unii Europejskiej [Polish regulation of gambling in view European Union law], A. Sołtys, M. Taborowski (eds.), Warsaw 2018.

The staff of the Department of European Law were also involved as editors of volumes and co-authors in the preparation of the following publications under the supervision of Professor Andrzej Wróbel:

  • Komentarz do Traktatu ustanawiającego Wspólnotę Europejską [Commentary to the Treaty establishing the European Community] vol. I, ed. D. Miesik and N. Półtorak, Warsaw 2008; vol. II edited by K. Kowalik-Bańczyk and M.Szwarc-Kuczer, Warsaw 2009; vol. III edited by J. Łacny and D. Kornobis-Romanowska, Warsaw 2010);
  • Komentarz do Traktatu o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej [Commentary to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union] (vol. I, eds. D. Miesik and N. Półtorak, Warsaw 2012, pp. 1352; volume II, edited by K. Kowalik-Bańczyk and M. Szwarc-Kuczer, Warsaw 2012, pp. 1692; volume III, edited by J. Łacny and D. Kornobis-Romanowska, 2012, pp. 1240);
  • System Prawa Unii Europejskiej [System of European Union Law] (Volume I: Foundations and Sources of European Union Law, edited by S. Biernat, Warsaw 2020, pp. 1335; Volume III: Interpretation of European Union Law, edited by L. Leszczyński, Warsaw 2019, pp. 584; Volume 6: Anti-discrimination Law, edited by J. Maliszewska-Nienartowicz, Warsaw 2020, pp. 562; Volume 7: Internal Market Law, edited by D. Kornobis-Romanowska, Warsaw 2020, pp. 926.

Current research projects

The following research projects are currently being carried out in the Department of European Law:

  • Research carried out under NCN grant 2019/35/N/HS5/03902, entitled “Sustainable public procurement as a tool to achieve the objectives of sustainable social development: Legal aspects” – Joanna Florecka, MA;
  • Research carried out under NCN grant 2017/27/B/HS5/03043 entitled “European constitutionalism: Pluralist conception of the relationship between EU and national law in judicial decisions” – Prof. Andrzej Wróbel (grant manager), Agnieszka Sołtys, PhD (researcher);
  • Research carried out under grant UMO-2017/27/B/HS5/02073 “Free movement of services in the sharing economy model: regulatory challenges in the internal market of the European Union” – Prof. M. Szwarc;
  • Research within the framework of the competition grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Excellence in Legal Research: Promoting Polish achievements in the area of legal sciences abroad” – Prof. M. Szwarc, Prof. Dawid Miąsik, Prof. M. Domańska, Agnieszka Sołtys, PhD, Katarzyna Strąk, PhD

Institute of Law Studies PAS
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Nowy Świat 72 (Pałac Staszica)
00-330 Warszawa
pok. 216 (dawny 220)
tel. (22) 65-72-885
Office hours: Mondays from 14:00-16:00